bak frm genting btw lazy update..hahaz
so many day at genting == lazy to update oso..
23th wake up aat early morning....prepare go stupiak genting..hahaz
thn jiu go boon jun hse...her mum fetch us go train station ==
thn 1 hour lidat we jiu reach kl central le....
go macdonald meet shao shen them....
meet them le...and wait for da bus to cum.....
ltr reach genting thr le...finding for the cable car.....
inside the cable car...we kip on shout at them *bye bye!!!* hahahahaz...
all like mad lidat..pass by de ppl oso bye tgt with
reach genting le jiu tgt go find my uncle.....
take key frm uncle le we all jump in da hotel and have a rest~phiew~ rox xD
thn at nite..juz playing card..whole nite playing card.....and tired dou sei ==
tht ryan ooi win dao so many money!! arghhhhhhhhhhhh......we lose all jek ==!
thee next day...we wait for nite and countdown...
btw we saw yaya themm....
thn jiu wait 12 reach 12 le..oso ntg!!!
so boring == nt 9s oso derrr....zzzz
thn we go burger king eat sumtg le jiu go bak gamble again..
bt i cannot tahan slp
25th le....they all went bak...oni mii boon jun and jia you din go bakkk....
coz wanna pei my dear jekk~~ xDD sry 4 let them pei mii x.x
we 3 is ntg to do at gong kia walk here and thr...and i m waiting for my dear to cum xD
thn dear sms mii le jiu go meet her luoo...we walk tgt 4awhile thn she jiu went bak le T.T
after tht wait my dear till 11 30 lidat..go find her again at the stupid highland starbuck ==!
find for 25minute lidat oni find dou == WTF
find dear le jiu give her present <3
thn she give mii a NECKLACE!!! so damn love it!!!!! thx dear ^^
thn try to go 1st world thr for a walk..until half...dear geh mami kol her to go bak T.T arghhh
tht time was sikit no mood =[ lol
thn jiu lidat go bak le..din kai kai dou x.x bt at least we gt meet ^^
go bak with dear le...i jiu look for boon jun them...we 3 person like sohai...walk whole genting ==!!!!
thn go starbuck have a dream...and take pic pulak...wakakaaz....
after tht jiu go bowling thr sit...suddenly gt 2 gul come and ask us can take pic tgt mou @@
thn we was like...BLANk...== at last we din take with them..hahahaz
go strabuck to limteh...and sun pian slp at starbuck til 4am wakakakaz..thn they wan close shop go 1st world..slp at floor thr..wad the...thn cannot slp jorhx....jiu run go take pic again..hahahahaz
so we take alot of pic thr...
we walk here and thr till 6 sumtg lidat..jiu find a 9s place!!! and slp at thr....
we like sakai lidat..slp here and
slp dao 11 30 lidat...boon jun uncle kol...
we jiu went bak le...
alot of story to lazy to write le..
gud trip with frenz....
and a 9s meet with my dear
i love her present for mii alot ♥
thx dear ^^
nitez all~